Stripe Account vs Operating Account

Stripe Account vs Operating Account

I'm having issues with driver cards being declined. Stripe driver credit cards.

The funds used to pay for driver cards come from the availability of money in the available and pending area of your Stripe account. If the sum of these values reaches zero, there aren’t enough funds to transfer to the driver card. The Balance of your Stripe account will fluctuate depending on 2 things, 1. the frequency of deposits to your Bank Operating account and 2. the amount of credit card orders you process a day.

If both balances reach zero, you can buy a gift certificate from yourself using a credit card to add funds to be used for the driver cards and autopay. You should set your auto batch to occur every 30 or 60 minutes after the order has been delivered. You can find the settings for this from the admin page, go to the settings button, and select the credit card processing tab.

Another option would be to set your payouts, Stripe Balance being transferred into your Operating Account, to manual instead of daily.

This can be useful if you work with 3rd party sites and wait for your money.

Then to Manually Pay Out funds from the Stripe account to your Operating account, click on the Payout setup and click the Switch to Manual Payouts button.


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