Smart Pay Setup and Questions for Drivers

Smart Pay Setup and Questions for Drivers

Smart Pay is a feature that utilizes stripe pay cards that get auto-loaded when your drivers need to pay for food on pick-up (fast food restaurants, when a restaurant’s online ordering system down and other situations)

There are a few settings that we want to make sure are correctly setup in order for this feature to work as intended and not cause you any hiccups while processing orders.

Step 1:
Navigating to your SMART SERVICES section on your admin backend
will let you see the SMART PAY tab which will let you submit your
information on the right hand side of that page to have your
Smart Pay Cards ordered as seen in the picture below.

In case you run into any issues while ordering cards this way, please order your
Smart Pay cards by following the link HERE and
submit a ticket titled “SmartPay Cards Order insert your rds name

Info that we will need in order to process your SmartPay Cards ticket:

  1. Delivery address information

  2. First and Last name (if you’re requesting Physical cards delivered)

  3. Location in which you need these cards in

  4. The amount of Physical cards you would like to order OR
    Amount of Virtual cards for online ordering that you will need.

Step 2: Once you have ordered your cards you will be able to scroll down
and see the INACTIVE Smart Pay Cards which will give you information about which cards are shipped and need to be activated.


Step 3: Once you have your cards activated you will be able to ASSIGN them to your drivers by navigating to DRIVERS section in your admin backend

After you have selected DRIVERS and navigate to the “SMART PAY” tab under it
you will see columns, one labeled DRIVERS
and another on the right labeled SMART PAY DRIVERS.

This means that drivers on the left do not have a Smart Pay card assigned to them.
To do that you will simply select Assign Smart Pay Card and select which card you would
like them to have.
If you assign the wrong card to a driver you can easily Unassign it on the right had side.

Step 4: Once you have this setup ready you will need to make sure that your selected restaurants have the correct payment setup.
In order for it to reflect on the DriverLogic app for your drivers, simply navigate to one of your restaurant profiles and go to the FINANCIAL tab.

Once you are in there as seen in the picture above you want to ensure that you have
PoP (Pay on Pickup) or Pay Online selected under Payment Method, in most cases you will use the Physical cards for PoP and Virtual cards for Pay Online transactions.

Please be aware that if you or your driver want to change their login e-mail,
YOU WILL HAVE TO UNASSIGN THEIR CARD in order to change their e-mail in your admin backend
and then REASSIGN it to their updated driver account.

For a visual representation please reference the video below.


  • Smart pay

  • Smart pay cards

  • Pay Onlion cards

  • Virtual smart pay cards

  • How to use virtual cards

  • How to use smart pay card


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