CHOWLY Clover POS Integration Overview

CHOWLY Clover POS Integration Overview


If your Square POS system is Integrated through Chowly please follow the information below.


Clover Sync

The below guide is an overview of Chowly's Clover Menu Sync integration. Additionally you will find menu management tips on how to insure the most seamless integration possible; from menu setup, what we sync, limitations, to additional features and ongoing support. 


What is Clover Menu Sync?

Chowly's Clover Menu Sync technology allows for your Clover Point-of-Sale to become the control center for your 3rd parties. This technology advancement eliminates the painstaking task of creating and editing numerous menus with multiple 3rd parties. It dissolves the mapping step within the Chowly process, which previously required a Menu Change Form to be submitted, time spent waiting while that request is processed, and, at times, troubleshooting mapping mistakes. 

Clover Menu Sync puts the control back in your hands. No more frustration, no more waiting, a one step process for all your 3rd party menus and orders. 

Chowly App Download - Onboarding

Chowly integrates orders into Clover through the Chowly app which is downloaded through the Clover app market. The Chowly app should only be installed on one terminal, but the orders will be visible on all terminals.

The Chowly app is downloaded for free, but a signed contract with Chowly is required to move past the initial onboarding steps. 

If the Clover Dashboard does not have the Chowly App already added, please follow the steps below:

Step 1 - Select More Tools from the Menu Bar

Step 2 - Select Apps By Clover 

Step 3 - Search ‘Chowly’ in the Search Bar (Example Below)


Step 4 - Select the Chowly App from the Search results 

Step 5 - Add the App to the Clover configuration by selecting the green button, ‘Connect’. (Example below. Open App will Display when the App is already installed)

Step 6 - The page will automatically redirect to a page that will display the Chowly Merchant ID (Example below)

Step 7 - Save this Merchant ID and provide it to your Chowly Customer Success team member.

Step 8 - Refresh the Chowly landing page upon instruction and the success message will display if the configuration is correct. (Example below)

While credentials are not collected pre-onboarding. We may ask you for them if we run into trouble completing configuration or for direct menu access.

Orders will close automatically and be marked as "Paid". Once the order automatically marks itself as "Paid" a guest ticket will seamlessly print. Determined by your POS settings, the order can also automatically print a make ticket (kitchen chit) and have the order appear on display screens. 
Dashboard Configuration

Step 1 - Log into www.clover.com/dashboard/login, click on "Account & Setup," which will be on the left-hand side

Step 2 - Under Transactions, click on Order Type 

  • Add Order Types for each third-party platform the restaurant is using and save.

Step 3 - Under Transactions, click on Payments 

  • Add Payment options for each third-party ordering platform the restaurant is using and checkmark “accept” and “opens cash drawer”.

  • You will need to save after creating each payment option.

  • Important note: the “open cash drawer” setting will not actually open the cash drawer.

Step 4 - Under Transactions, click on Order Receipts 

  • Make sure “Show Customer Info” is check marked. The customer’s name, TooS information, and customer comments will not appear on the receipt unless this is check marked

Step 5 - Under Transactions, Click on Payment Receipts 

  • Repeat the same steps as listed in Step 4



Clover Menu Match allows us to import a your Clover "menu" and publish it out to your third-party menus. We will ask you which categories you would like us to use. 

It is important to understand that you control your menu. Any changes you made to your synced menus affect the third-parties.

Any changes you make to the item or modifiers within the synced menus or categories will be imported and pushed (synced) nightly between 12AM-3AM CST.


Categories are viewed in Clover by going to Inventory > Categories.

Please ensure that categories are named appropriately as they will be visible on the third-party menu.

If there are items in a category you do not want to be included in the third-party menu, you will need to make a new category or remove them from the category

  • To create a new Category, click Add New Category and assign the applicable items.

During onboarding, please let us know the order you would like the categories to be in as this order will be the same on the third-party platforms.

Minimums and Maximums

Clover does not require minimums and maximums set in the POS. However, they are required for Menu Sync. Please review your modifier groups and ensure that you have minimums and maximums set up. This is the best experience for end customers knowing selections and what they can/cannot order for a given item.


Chowly is able to sync descriptions entered into your Clover POS to the 3rd party platforms.

*Previously, descriptions were not supported and required a Chowly Menu Change request to have descriptions added and updated. 


Hours can be set by going to the Clover Dashboard > Account & Settings > About your Business > Business Information.

Scroll to Business hours to confirm correct hours are set. These are the hours we will be importing and publishing out to your platforms. 



Please add photos into your Clover POS. Navigate to your inventory and attach photos to individual photos. These photos will sync to all 3rd party platforms. 

*Previously, photos were not supported and required a Chowly Menu Change request to have descriptions added and updated. 


Support and Common Troubleshooting

Not Printing?

  • The Chowly app must be toggled ON for orders to close and print. If orders are showing as "Open" rather than "Paid," most likely the Chowly app has been disabled. 

  • The Chowly app is disabled any time the Clover POS goes to sleep. Please open the app frequently and ensure that it is enabled. 

    • Common practice is to ask your openers to make it a part of their opening procedure to open the Chowly App and click save

Open Orders?

  • An order will only print if the order is in the "Paid" status. If orders are showing as "Open," check the Chowly app to make sure it is toggled on. 


  • The Clover POS terminal does not make any sounds. This cannot be adjusted.

Double Printing?

  • If more than one copy of the receipt prints, the Clover app is enabled on more than one terminal. The app can toggled off on any additional terminals. 

Issues with Kitchen Tickets?

  • A common issue when launching Clover accounts is that Order Receipts (make tickets) don’t print. Follow the steps below to resolve this issue:

Step 1 - On the left side of screen click Inventory > Items
Step 2 - To the upper-left of the list of menu items, click the checkbox “Select All”
Step 3 - Click the search box titled “Labels”, then click the “+ Add Label” button.  A "Create a label" box will pop up. Name the label “Kitchen Printer” then click Save
Step 4 - Walk over to your Clover tablet (this can’t be done through the dashboard) and open the Setup App 
Step 5 - Click Order Receipts > Click Order Receipt Printer and view the list of printers 
Step 6 - Select the kitchen device and select the “Kitchen Printer” label and click Save

If you are having any issues after the launch or upgrade, please review the outlines above. If you are still unable to resolve your concerns, please reach out directly to our support team. 

For urgent issues call 888-628-0823 Ext. 2 and for all non-urgent issues please submit a case.


  • Chowly Clover POS Integration

  • Chowly POS Integration for Clover

Add label

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