Restaurant Chain Type Tags

These tags allow the user to tag a restaurant with a specific Chain/Brand.
Examples: Applebee's, Chick-fil-a.
This then allows the chain restaurant that has been tagged to only display the closest available option to the consumer if there are multiple locations within the consumer's delivery area.


  1. Navigate to the Locations tab

  2. Select the Tags tab

  3. Now simply add a name and the tag type you would like. These tags will then display on the restaurant info tab.

IMPORTANT: If you are a DeliverClub member you will NOT be able to add your own tags due to them being spread across all clients.

If there is a tag you absolutely need and think the whole network could utilize, please submit a ticket to us and we will add it to our system.

In order to select these tags please follow the steps below:

  1. Open your admin panel

  2. Open the Restaurants tab

  3. Select your desired Location and Restaurant you would like to tag

  4. Stay on the INFO tab and scroll down until you see this section



As you can see above, the tagging system can get out of hand pretty quickly so we always suggest to keep it very simple and clean for easier organization.