Random FAQ's

Random FAQ's

Escrow Deposits 

Sep 7, 2024

hey everyone so today I am going to go over a new feature that we call the escrow feature this is something that will allow you to automate your deposits even if you're using pay on pickup uh by holding funds in your account and still depositing uh a certain amount every day so you'll find this in the manage payments area


and under payout setup so you'll see here now there's a difference when you scroll down you're going to see that the daily have these boxes for Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday and you'll see here it says to fill out the boxes below to indicate how much money you would like to leave in your Ava available balance for each day if you enter a zero all available funds will be transferred automatically which means they'll go into your bank account if you leave a box blank no funds will be transferred and payouts for those days will be will be manual only ensure that Fridays efficient to cover Friday Saturday and Sunday because remember you're not getting new money on those days because they you know you're using most of your money for pay on pickup on Friday Saturday Sunday and then you're not getting deposits on those days uh and you can update these on on at any time so also notice the uh this message that using this will delay your deposits by One banking day so for example right here this client is keeping $500 in his available balance on Monday 500 on Tuesday 500 on Wednesday he bumps it up to 7 50 on Thursday and then to, 1300 on Friday to last them for the whole weekend so if you wanted to have deposits every day just normal you would just put in a zero everywhere and now you'll you'll essentially just get normal deposits let's say like once a week you just want everything to go into your account right what you would do remember if they're blank nothing happens you would have to manually deposit so let's say you just know like on Wednesday you want everything to deposit and then you'll just roll into the next week so you could put 500 here and what that means is on Wednesday everything would have built up for the whole week you'll get a deposit for the full amount that you had in your account minus $500 which will stay and then you could you know move on so let's just assume that you you don't really need that much on Monday Tuesday or Wednesday but you want to make sure you have enough for Friday so you want to build because maybe your Thursday deposit alone is not enough to get you through the weekend you could say like oh 500 on Thursday a thousand on on or 500 on Wednesday a th000 on Thursday and I'm just going to put 5,000 on Friday because essentially what that's saying is you know and of course depending on your size of your business you're just saying like hey look unless I have more than a 5,000 in my account Thursday night I I don't want anything deposited or you could even put you know you could put a 100,000 here which means that you're just you're just not going to get any money deposited right you you would only get up to that amount deposited that way that amount will still stay in your account so let's just say we're going to leave it at 5,000 what this would do then is you know you would go through the weekend let's say you'd having all this enough money to last you then on Monday nothing would happen Tuesday nothing would happen Wednesday you'd get a big deposit minus $500 Thursday you'd get your deposit your normal deposit minus $1,000 and then Friday you'd get your your normal deposit minus $5,000 which if your normal deposit is less than five grand you would get nothing but that would at least get you through the weekend so it's a great way to just kind of automate managing this um if you guys have any questions please let us know again if you just want normal daily deposits you just leave all these on zero uh you could still do manual deposits even if you're set here so you could see here if you if you wanted to leave these days blank and have like a big deposit on Wednesday or whatever day you want you could still at any point in time go in and do a manual deposit uh we hope you enjoy this new feature thanks so much and have a great day






New Chargeback System Aug 20, 2024

hey everyone today we're going to go over our new updated system for chargebacks so when you want to see what's going on with your chargebacks you're going to go into Financial


chargebacks make sure you select all your locations and then you can run for whatever time period you'd like in this case we're going to run from September 1st so you can see here we're showing the order that was disputed the Unix user which is nosh in this case whether they won or lost the reason the chargeback where it was deducted from so we have a new system how we're deducting which I'll go over the chargeback date deducted so the date that these funds were pulled then the amount of the initial charge back the fee then the total amount and then if it was returned because you won when it was returned so now to give you an example this order was charged back and if we want to see where this order ending in 1 180 where it was pulled from so we could cover that charge back and this is the date of the charge back so we're going to go into this order we're going to go down to the payment section and we'll see here that it charged a dispute we took a dispute from this order which is the same order on that report so now deliver logic's holding those funds and that happened on 915 and then on 922 those funds were returned due to this being one so if we want to find this we're going to go into uh manage payments now this says 922 depending on we're going to work on the timing on this but if you open your payments you you see there are four of them here and you go to


payouts now I actually no this because I just looked at it beforehand it it came in so early in the morning it was like 400 am that it caught on this 921 payout so if you went to 922 and searched for example which this this this payout includes 922 might take a second here so I'm at the this is 922 to 9 uh 924 I think so I'm just going to search for one and I'm not finding it uh oh was there an error actually it's just that those funds came through a day earlier as I mentioned before I just I know that because I searched before I made the video we're going to try to fix it and always give you the date of when it matches the payout but again stripe uses UTC we use regular so like we sent this back at on 9 922 Eastern but in UTC it was still 921 so I'm going to open that payout now that was


921 so now we're in 921 and again I'm going to search for one and you'll see here one and this is that that order we were looking at and remember there were four of them here they are all here they are all so they were pulled from Individual orders then they were all recorded on the same day so we just pushed them back into the account all on the same day and then it was part of the deposit on that day um thanks so much if you guys have any questions please create a support ticket through jira or post it on Facebook thank you





How to track orders to deposit Aug 26, 2024

all righty so I'm going to show you how to track an order to a deposit so the first thing I ran was just the daily Financial under reports Financial daily and I mean I I like this is like the base report to kind of show you the snapshot of the day but where I'm going to go to next is under this same area and it's called the or uh the order transaction breakdown but you can also access this through this report it's right here so if you click this it's going to open into this page now from here you're going to see every report or every order from that day you're going to see you know the store sub total the order total how much you collected of course you can collect less than the total um if there's like a coupon involved or something you're going to see all the fees that were deducted so this was a gfo order it paid the restaurant um and here are the total dedu uctions and then here's what you should get deposited from this order so now from here if you want to see your deposits you're going to go into manage payments which brings you here then you go to payouts now we are looking at the 10th so this is our report verse the stripe report so the stripe report is what comes directly from stripe and that's opened here um now this report's Prett Prett big because it Compares two side by side so if you have a big screen you can see it easily if not you know you just look at the thing here and we show you should have received 4387 and this is stripe directly from stripe we're pulling this right in and they're saying from that order you got 4387 now this doesn't show you why you got the 4387 again You' have to go back to this order let me zoom in a little on this and from here this is going to show you why you collected 85 you 855 came out for gfo 3306 came out for restaurant pay your total deduction so those two numbers added up are 4161 which subtracted by the total you collected is the 43 and again in the stripe that we're showing our reporting of that and stripe is right here showing the same and that's how you would track an order to a deposit





How to assign a default location to a driver Aug 28, 2024

hey everyone welcome back to another video and today we are going to talk about assigning a default location for your drivers now why do you want to do this basically if you have multiple locations in your delivery Market you want to make sure that the drivers have appropriate default location so this is the location to which they're going to log into when they're going to their driver app so the first thing you need to do is locate this driver if we go to users I will this is how I'm going to do it we're going to go to our test driver account I'm going to go and log in here and now you can see that we have our role as a driver which is correct and then you have these locations here now you can enable all locations for this driver or you can only enable one or two it's totally up to you and now you have the default location selector so here we will select the location that I want and simply hit save from here you can go to the drivers tab select the location in which you want to manage drivers or whatever it is you want to do and you can now click on this driver and assign them into the location as an active driver this is basically a workaround from drivers logging in from their app now once you do this you can go to manage and then you can select this driver and change anything you need to do like their delivery fees their information you can prioritize them you can have them inside of pick up pick up pockets and all those different things so we hope this helps let us know if you have any questions and we'll we'll see you all very very soon have a great day bye







  1. Q: My Stripe smart pay cards are constantly declining, even when I have money loaded on the card. What's wrong?

A: There are two things to check:

  • Funds on the Card: You need to load funds onto the card in the DeliverLogic system.

  • Funds in Stripe Account: You MUST have sufficient funds in your Stripe account. Stripe now requires you to have the funds available in your account for issuing to work.

To check your available funds for issuing:

  1. Go to Manage Payments in your DeliverLogic backend.

  2. Click the Balance tab.

  3. Add your Available and Pending balances. This sum is your available funds for issuing.

  1. Q: I was accidentally charged twice for a gift card. How can I get a refund?

A: Contact DeliverLogic support and provide:

  • Both Gift Card Codes

  • Customer Name

  • Customer Email

  • Customer Phone Number (optional)

  1. Q: I have a credit on my account, but you still charged my card for a new invoice. Can I get a credit for the charged amount?

A: Contact DeliverLogic support with:

  • Invoice number with the credit

  • Invoice number with the new charge

  • Amount of the credit

  • Amount of the new charge

  1. Q: I need to order more Stripe Smart Pay cards for my drivers. How do I do that?

A: Contact DeliverLogic support and specify the number of cards you need and the shipping address.

  1. Q: Can I set up a payment arrangement for my outstanding DeliverLogic balance?

A: Contact DeliverLogic support to discuss payment arrangement options. Be prepared to provide information about your financial situation and proposed payment plan.

Menus & Ordering

  1. Q: Can I rearrange menu headers in the DeliverLogic system?

A: Yes! When editing a menu, you'll see a tab specifically for rearranging headers. However, this option disappears if you're editing individual menu items. To rearrange headers again:

  1. Navigate to a different menu.

  2. Return to the menu you want to edit. The rearrange option will be available again.

  1. Q: My GFO orders are showing incorrect prices, sometimes even $0, and allowing cash payments when I don't accept cash. What's happening?

A: This usually happens when menu items lack a specified price in your markup structure.

  1. Go to your menu settings.

  2. Ensure ALL items have a price listed.

  3. If the problem continues, contact DeliverLogic support.

  1. Q: When a customer orders from multiple restaurants in one order, the driver app shows duplicated and mixed-up items. How can we fix this?

A: DeliverLogic is aware of issues with multi-restaurant orders and is working on solutions. For now, we recommend avoiding this feature as it can cause problems for drivers, restaurants, customers, and the auto-dispatch system.

  1. Q: My POS integration is not working. Orders are not being sent to the restaurant's POS system. What should I do?

A: First, ensure the POS system is correctly integrated with DeliverLogic. If the problem persists:

  • Contact your POS provider for troubleshooting assistance.

  • Contact DeliverLogic support if you suspect the issue is on their end.

10. Q: My POS integration is working, but the menu is not loading correctly on the DeliverLogic platform. What could be wrong?

A: This could be due to a few reasons:

  • Outdated Menu: The menu in DeliverLogic might not be synced with your POS system. Contact your POS provider to ensure the menus are up to date.

  • Limited Hours: Your POS system might have specific availability hours for menu items. If you're accessing the menu outside those hours, items won't appear. Contact your POS provider to adjust availability hours.

  • Technical Issues: There might be a temporary connection issue between DeliverLogic and your POS system. Contact DeliverLogic support for assistance.

Locations, Zones & Zip Codes

11. Q: I'm getting an alert about merchants having zip codes outside my service zones, but I can't find them. How do I clear this error?

A: Contact DeliverLogic support and provide:

  • The exact error message you're seeing.

  • Any steps you've already taken to try and fix it.

DeliverLogic support can help you locate the problematic restaurants and adjust their zip codes or service zones.

12. Q: I need to add a new allowed location to my DeliverClub Branch. How can I do this?

A: Contact DeliverLogic support and provide:

  • DLID of the new location

  • Location Name

  • URL(s) to be allowed

13. Q: The auto-zoner is not placing a restaurant in the correct county. How can I fix this?

A: Contact DeliverLogic support, provide the restaurant name and its correct county. They can manually adjust the restaurant's location in the system.

Marketing & Communications

14. Q: My ActiveCampaign account says authentication isn't fully set up and I need a DMARC record. What do I do?

A: If your domain's nameservers don't point to DeliverLogic, you need to set up a DMARC record yourself. Contact your domain provider for help or follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your DNS Management Console (usually through your hosting provider).

  2. Find the DNS Records Section (often labeled "DNS Management," "DNS Settings," etc.).

  3. Add a New TXT Record:

    • Record Type: TXT

    • Name/Host: _dmarc

    • Value/Content: v=DMARC1; p=none;


  5. Save the Changes

15. Q: My smart texts aren't working correctly. I'm only getting enroute and delivered texts, but no tracking link or order placed text. What's wrong?

A: Make sure smart texts are enabled in your DeliverLogic account. Then:

  1. Go to Location > Customer Comms in your DeliverLogic backend.

  2. Customize the messages, including adding the tracking link using the appropriate replacement token.

16. Q: Where can I find a report showing the software fees customers have paid, and how is it reflected on my bill?

A: You can find this information in the Order Transaction Breakdown report (Reports > Financial > Order Transaction Breakdown). The software fee is no longer a separate per-order charge. Instead, it's included in your monthly minimum fee, which will show as $0.01 on your invoices.

Driver Pay

17. Q: My driver's autopay is pending, and they claim they were shorted money. How can I investigate this?

A: To check for potential Partner Pay errors:

  1. Go to the driver's payout report.

  2. Compare the Total Earned and Paid/In Transit columns.

  3. If there's a difference, identify the orders that weren't fully paid.

  4. Manually pay the driver the remaining balance for those orders and mark them as paid in the system.

18. Q: The "Driver Auto Pay Weekly Wednesday" pay-interval option is missing. Can it be restored?

A: This is a known issue that DeliverLogic is working to resolve. Contact DeliverLogic support for updates on the fix.

App Related

19. Q: My app is missing from the Google Play Store. What happened?

A: Contact DeliverLogic support to confirm if an app was previously developed for your business. If so, they can help update and re-release the Android app.

20. Q: I need to update my app's logo. How do I do that?

A: Contact DeliverLogic support and provide the new logo file. The logo will be updated the next time your app is rebuilt and uploaded to the app store.

21. Q: When customers click restaurant-specific links, they're taken to the app's main page instead of the specific restaurant. How can I fix this?

A: This is a known issue related to deep linking in the Glue app. DeliverLogic is working on a solution. Contact DeliverLogic support for updates.

22. Q: I need the Firebase SDK to set up my iOS app in Google Analytics 4 (GA4), but I don't have Firebase access. Can you provide it?

A: Yes, contact DeliverLogic support. They can provide the necessary Firebase SDK file (GoogleService-Info.plist) for your iOS app.


23. Q: I requested to join the DeliverLogic Community Facebook group, but my request is still pending. How can I join?

A: Contact DeliverLogic support, and they can manually add you to the group.

24. Q: I'm a former DeliverClub member, but I still see DeliverClub-related information in my account. Can I be disconnected from that database?

A: Due to potential technical complications, switching servers after being part of DeliverClub is unlikely. However, contact DeliverLogic support to discuss specific issues you're facing. They might have alternative solutions.

25. Q: I received an email about my Apple Push Services Certificate expiring. What should I do?

A: To generate a new certificate:

  1. Sign in to your Apple Developer account.