Order Signature, Order Reject (Decline), Additional Tips, Photos & More - DriverLogic App Settings

If you would like to enable/disable Order Signatures or Additional Tips please navigate to your admin backend and select Settings > Driver Logic from here you will be able to toggle Signatures and Additional Tips features on and off.

If you would like to know how to review Order Photos that drivers upload on specific orders please go to the bottom of this article.

There are several other settings that you can toggle on and off that are directly related to the DriverLogic App

How to navigate to these settings.

You will have to select “Settings” on your navigation bar on the left.

The following Toggles will display in the Driver Logic tab

Allow additional tips?

This window will allow the driver to present the customer with an “Additional Tip” window before they sign for their order being delivered.

Allow customer signatures?

This option allows the drivers to collect the customer’s signature as an extra layer of security for both the customer and your Delivery Service in case there are fraudulent activities with stolen credit cards and similar.

Allow driver to reject (decline) an order?

If enabled, the driver will have the ability to reject an order that has been assigned to them.

Require driver check-in?

This option will make it so the driver HAS TO be checked-in in order to see CURRENT orders.
They will still be able to see their previous earnings and orders they delivered in the past.

Require Menu Item Checkoff?

This will force the driver to Check every single item on the orders before they can change the order status from Arrived to Enroute.

Show Menu Item Checkoff?

This option will display small Checkbox tabs next to every item.

Show order earnings?

This section will allow your drivers to see exactly what they’re going to earn prior to the order being delivered.

Show orders past midnight?

If enabled, drivers will be able to see current day/previous day/next day orders for any RDS that is open past midnight.

If you would like to see Photos that drivers upload from the DriverLogic app follow the Scribe steps below.

If you have the number of the order that you would like to review the order photos from you can skip the first few steps and use this little window inside the dispatch screen section to speed up the process.

Widget Connector


  • DriverLogic Customer Signature

  • DriverLogic Order Photo

  • How to find photos of orders in admin backend

  • Dispatcher view of signature and photos on customer orders

  • DriverLogic Additional Tips

  • How to allow drivers to decline an order

  • How to allow drivers to reject an order