Dynamic Quote Times

In the competitive world of online food delivery, managing customer expectations is crucial to providing a satisfactory experience. To address this challenge, our latest feature, Dynamic Quote Times, has been designed to provide customers with a more accurate and realistic estimate of their food delivery. This article will delve into the details of this innovative feature, explaining how it works and how it can benefit both customers and businesses.


Turning Dynamic Quote Times ON

If you would like to switch to Dynamic Quote Times simply navigate to your Settings tab in your admin backend, navigate to Management Decisions and then finally under the Quote Time Method select DYNAMIC.

Understanding Dynamic Quote Times

Dynamic Quote Times revolutionizes the way delivery estimates are calculated, moving away from fixed timeframes to more flexible ranges. By taking various factors into account, such as food preparation time, order confirmation to arrival duration, and estimated drive time, we can generate delivery time ranges that reflect the complexities of the delivery process.

As seen in the picture on the left, Static Quote Times will only display a nonchangeable number that customers can reference. (This is a number calculated by your default Prep Times (takeout) and Delivery Times (delivery))

Now the picture below will show you a more realistic approach to delivery estimates with Dynamic Quote Times. (In this example we used a range that can be achieved by adding a “Buffer” time from the Dispatcher Board, more on this later in the article)

Calculation Methodology

The calculation methodology employed by Dynamic Quote Times is designed to choose the most appropriate time frame for delivery estimates. The algorithm selects the greater value between the average minutes from confirmed until arrived and the estimated food preparation time. This value is then combined with the estimated drive time obtained from Google Maps. The result is a comprehensive and reliable estimate that considers the specific conditions of each order.

Safety Net

While Dynamic Quote Times provides valuable estimates, it is essential to maintain a safety net to account for additional factors affecting delivery times. We know the importance of considering food preparation times, the time it takes for the order to reach the restaurant, and other potential delays. To establish a safety net, adjustments are made within the admin back end of our system.

By accessing the location settings in the admin back end, administrators can navigate to the Delivery Fees section and select the relevant delivery zone. Here, the safety net is put in place by setting a minimum quote time, typically a few minutes longer than the shortest estimated delivery time. In the example provided, a minimum quote time of 20 minutes is suggested to ensure more accurate estimates. This approach guarantees that unrealistic delivery times are avoided, and customer satisfaction is maintained.

Additionally, administrators can establish a minimum delivery fee, setting a base threshold below which orders will not be processed for delivery. By combining this minimum fee with the chosen food sub-total, businesses can ensure a reasonable minimum order requirement, taking into account the cost of delivery.

Customization and Default Settings

To accommodate the diverse needs of different markets and restaurant locations, Dynamic Quote Times allows for customization.

We recommend static delivery time of 20 minutes for all orders. You can do this by going to Locations > Selecting a location you want to edit > Delivery Fees > Zone Based Fees and filling out the field as seen in the picture (You can use different numbers, this is just a template we use by observing the averages for all of our clients).

This fixed time frame serves as a safety measure, ensuring that even in scenarios where dynamic quotes may be shorter, a minimum quote time is maintained. Adjusting the static delivery time according to market conditions, the distance between restaurants and customers, and other variables guarantees greater accuracy and reliability.

Using https://deliverlogic.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BSD/pages/2198896936 you can quickly update ALL RESTAURANT by utilizing the Prep Time tab inside the actual Location you want to use Dynamic Quote Times for. We suggest a minimum of 20 minutes for all time slots besides Lunch and Dinner rush hours when most restaurants get busy in which case we would suggest 25 and 30 minutes respectively.

Once the desired settings are configured, administrators have the option to apply these settings as the default for all restaurants. By selecting the "Update All Restaurants" button, these configurations will be automatically applied to the entire system, ensuring consistency and delivering a more realistic quote time experience to customers.

IMPORTANT - Adding additional minutes and Buffer RANGE

If you would like to display your estimated delivery times like it’s shown in the picture on the right, you will have to do the following step-by-step guide as shown in the Scribe below.



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  • Dynamic Quote Times

  • How to turn Dynamic Quote Times on

  • How to change estimated delivery time to customer