If a restaurant has a previous chowly account that has terms/service, it is unrelated to any new account that is activated for their integration with DeliverLogic RDSs.
The restaurant must continue to stay current/paying fees on the first account (if they have one) with other 3rd party delivery services integrated.
The restaurant will not be paying on the second account because the RDS takes on the charges.
The RDS can pass on the monthly fee if they so choose, but it does not happen automatically.
What charges are actually being charged?
Chowly 1.0 - no new customers are being added to this. Updates were made, and moving forward, any new restaurants are automatically going to be 2.0
Chowly 2.0
Install fee is waived if already on Chowly 1.0
$50 install fee (RDS Charge is collected when submitting the POS integration request form)
$.39 an order (RDS Charge) up to $35/per month per restaurantwith a $39 monthly minimum per merchant location.
Are there ever instances where orders don’t flow through properly to the restaurant?