Providing Revel Access to ItsaCheckmate
For quick edits to menu item price/availability, you can Bulk Edit items directly from the Products screen.
NOTE: This will update the base price in your POS. If you have Price Elevation set in the Menu Manager, the elevation percentage will apply to this new base price.
How to Temporarily Mark an Item as Sold Out/86’d
Step 2: Click on Push to Online Platform(s)
NOTE: The item will be marked as sold out for the number of days specified.
Marking Modifier(s) Out of Stock
Make sure to click on Push to Ordering Platforms or the updates will not take effect.
NOTE: This feature is only currently available for Uber Eats and DoorDash.
Updating Kitchen Prep Time
NOTE: While ItsaCheckmate syncs with Revel EVERY HOUR, if you wish to have changes reflected immediately: Go to the ItsaCheckmate Portal and Select ‘Sync with POS’ – the sync normally takes between 5-10 minutes. Once completed, select ‘Push to Online Platforms’
NOTE: Our system will only sync if there is a change to the menu and will only push out to the ordering platforms once the sync occurs.