ItsaCheckmate Self Onboarding Process for POS Integration

ItsaCheckmate Self Onboarding Process for POS Integration

Using the New Self-Onboarding Portal for ItsaCheckmate POS Integration

Important Notes to Remember

  • This is a new self-onboarding portal from Itsacheckmate -it is not customized to the way DeliverLogic is setup (i.e. with local RDSs). Because of this, their portal makes you go through pages that are meant for the general public (i.e. the cost and different plans available).

  • Currently there is no way to skip those pages, for now we have to go through the regular portal and just ignore those couple of pages.

  •  You (the RDS) will get the special DL pricing which is $35/month per restaurant. (this is less than the pricing that is displayed when you go through the onboarding right now). And your restaurant doesn't have to pay anything, unless you (The RDS) decides to invoice them separately.

  • You (or the restaurant if they are going through the portal themselves) WILL have to make the $100 deposit that is required in one of the steps in this portal. However, you will get REFUNDED right away (usually within the same business day). 

    • Please let Juliette Reyes know when you have signed up a new restaurant, and she will follow up with itsacheckmate to make sure you get your deposit back as fast as possible

POS Systems that Checkmate Supports:

Brink (On Direct Sync)


Clover (On Direct Sync)




Heartland Restaurant / MobileBytes (Direct Sync Paused)

HungerRush / Revention



Micros Res 3700

Micros Simphony (Gen 1 & STS Gen 2)

NCR Aloha

NCR Silver

NCR Silver Essentials

OVVI / Possible POS

Prism / MicroWorks

Revel (On Direct Sync)



SpotOn (On Direct Sync)

Square (On Direct Sync)

Toast (On Direct Sync)


Upserve (On Direct Sync) / LightSpeed Rest U series


Digital Dining



Starting the Self-onboarding process

The onboarding process is for the restaurant to complete themselves. Put all of the restaurant’s information in the required fields. 

BEFORE THEY START THE ONBOARDING PROCESS : they will get an introductory email from DeliverLogic and hello@itsacheckmate.com This is an introduction of the restaurant owner to the itsacheckmate onboarding specialist (His name is Brian). This introduction will make it easier for each party to get assistance if there are any questions or blockers.

Hey all,

I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out on the behalf of (Restaurant Owner’s Name), who is the owner of (Name of Restaurant) located at (Address of restaurant)
Owner's cell: (555-555-5555)
Owner's Email: (RESTAURANTOWNERSEMAIL@gmail.com)

We would like to kick off the process and have their shop integrated with (RDS NAME)

The Delivery Platform will be paying for this customer's monthly service.

Hope this helps! Let us know if there is anything else you need on our end.

Thank you!”

To request the POS integration process to begin, Please access the self-onboarding portal here:

  1. Go to your restaurant’s profile in your DL backend and click the “POS Integration Request Button”

2. You will see some instructions regarding the difference between Chowly and ItsCheckmate

If you decide you will be doing the onboarding process on the restaurant’s behalf (as if you were the restaurant) - PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/video/6248355?key=f24b348aaf0a1ea718937fdcde1539b5

3. After you have watched the video, click here to go to the link for the ItsaCheckmate Self-Onboarding Portal https://mm.itsacheckmate.com/sign-up

Notes and Step-by-step outlined in the above VIDEO - this is for the restaurant owner/manager to complete

  1. After you click the link to ItsaCheckmate Self-Onboarding Portal, you will be brought to an initial sign-up page.

2. Here you will put in the restaurant’s basic information, and create a password for them. Once you click “Sign Up”, a VERIFICATION EMAIL will be sent to the restaurant’s email address that you put in. 


3. You will need to get a hold of the restaurant owner/manager for that email address and ask them to open the email and click the verification link in this email. 

a. I recommend getting the restaurant owner on the phone for a quick one minute while you do this first step so they can verify their email right away.

b. Once they have done this, you can log back in as the restaurant with the password you created for them.

4. Now you’re restaurant has an account login for ItsaCheckmate

a. After you login with your restaurant’s username and password, you will be brought to a “Customer Onboarding Dashboard. Click on the “Add Brand” button.

b. A “Brand” in checkmate terms is redundant if you are only onboarding one restaurant. You can name the “Brand” the actual name of the restaurant 

c. If you have more than one restaurant that are all part of a restaurant group, you can call the “Brand” the name of the restaurant group.

5. Once you have added a “Brand” you will see it appear on the dashboard/home page and to the right will be a red link that says “View Tasks”. Click on this link

6. This will bring you to the “Brand Signup Form” and there are some VERY SPECIFIC THINGS YOU NEED TO DO HERE.

a. In the field “How did you hear about us”, type the words “Ordering Platform”

b. In the field “Which ordering platforms are currently active”, make sure you ONLY SELECT DELIVERLOGIC

7. The next page will take you to an explanation about the different costs and plans. THESE ARE NOT THE DELIVERLOGIC PRICES. However, itsacheckmate has not eliminated this page for our clients yet, so you must go through the motions to complete this page. 

8. The next page will bring you to the deposit. THIS DEPOSIT WILL GET FULLY REFUNDED right away, usually within the same business day. Please let Juliette Reyes know when you have signed up a new restaurant, and she will follow up with itsacheckmate to make sure you get your deposit back as fast as possible

9. Now you have created a “Brand”. Next you will add a “Location”, which in checkmate's terms is the RESTAURANT 

a. Click the “Add Location” button on the dashboard/home screen

  • If you are doing this process for just ONE RESTAURANT, you can name the “location” the same name you gave the “Brand”

  • If you created the “Brand” to represent a restaurant group, then each “location” will be an individual restaurant within that group

10. Once you have created your “locations” (i.e. restaurants), click the red link on the right of each restaurant called “View Tasks”

11. TO COMPLETE THIS NEXT PART, THE RESTAURANT WILL HAVE TO CHANGE SETTING WITHIN THEIR POS. So now, you can hand over the rest of the process to your restaurant partner. 

a. Share with them the password you created for them at the beginning of this process. Their username will be the email address you used to create their account.

b. You should explain to them that they will need to click the “View Tasks” link next to their location (restaurant) name/s. 

c. Then, they will have to click the “Start” button on the next page


12. Now you’re restaurant partner will be able to completing the rest of the process. They will have to make some changes and adjust setting within their POS, which will all be described to them in the following steps in this portal. THERE ARE JUST A COUPLE THINGS YOU SHOULD POINT OUT TO THEM…

a. After they click the “Start” button on the page following the “View Tasks” link, they will be asked to fill out some fields.

b. Make sure they ONLY select DeliverLogic as their ordering platform when the get to the field called “Select your current active ordering platforms”

c. Make sure they ONLY select DeliverLogic as their ordering platform when the get to the field called “Out of all your current Ordering Platforms, which should we use as the Base Menu?”


d. Make sure they select “Delete Items & Modifiers from my ordering Platforms when not present in POS” (This ensures that whatever menu changes they make on their side in their POS reflect on the DL menu that will get pulled from the POS)

13. This concludes the Step-By-Step. If you have a close enough relationship with your restaurant partner, they may give you access to their POS and you can finish the process for them if you want. If not, the rest is very-well explained in the next steps in this portal. And checkmate will begin to be the point of contact for the restaurant should they have any questions. As always, please reach out if you have any questions. 






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