One Zipcode in Many Zones



Customers are encountering difficulties when placing an order as they are required to select from a list of zones or zip codes. This leads to issues where, upon selecting a certain zone or zip code, ordering becomes impossible.


The system might have the same zip code associated with multiple distinct zones. For instance, if one zip code is linked to three different zones, when a customer inputs an address within that zip code, they are prompted to choose from the various available zones associated with it.

However, since not all of these zones may be applicable to the restaurant in question, customers may find themselves presented with options without clear guidance on which one pertains to their desired service.

To resolve this issue, we recommend listing each zip code under only one active zone and ensuring that all relevant zones are correctly assigned to the respective restaurants. Additionally, consider establishing a maximum distance setting within the restaurant profile area to regulate travel distance between the restaurant and consumer.

For more detailed guidance on this matter, you can register for a training session here.

When dividing a zip code into two separate zones it's advisable to utilize polygons within the zoning area for defining each zone’s coverage area. Enabling geostrict mode will allow the software to automatically recognize if a customer's address falls within a particular zone's polygon.

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Customer has to select from a list of zones.  Customer is having trouble placing an order because they have to select from a list of zip codes and when they select one zip codes of zones, they can't order. 


You may have a zip code located in the system in more than one separate zones. Lets say you have one zip code entered in three zones.  What this does is when someone enters an address in one of those zip codes the system presents them with a selection to make between the different Zones that the Zip Code exists in.

Since you have one and not all of those Zones applied to the restaurant, your customers only have access to certain restaurants or none. They will see the three options but won't know which to click to get service.

We recommend only listing zip codes in one active zone and making sure your zones are all applied out to your restaurants and setting up a max milage on the restaurant profile area to control the max distance travelled from the restaurnat to the consumer.

If you have further questions on this topic, you can sign up for a training session here:

When you are looking to split a zip code into two separate zones, you should use polygons in the zoning area to define the area that each zone covers, turn on geostrict mode and the software will automatically be able to see the customer's address is in a particular zone's polygon.

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