Getting Started FAQ's
This section will cover most frequently asked questions you might have regarding starting up your own Delivery Service.
If you would like to explore and learn more about our system use the links at the bottom of the articles to find more material that will help you understand our platform better.
Q: How long does it usually take to get started?
A: Once you purchase the software we will have your site up within 48-72 hours.
Q: Can I see more of your software?
A: Submit to get a free 30 day trial here: (no card info is needed) and we will reach out to speak with you to answer any questions and approve your trial. You will have a back end which you can test and edit settings and also a customer facing site which you can test being the customer as if it was a real site.
Q: Can you build me mobile apps for customers to order from?
A: Yes we will build you ios and android apps if you purchase the mobile app package which can be seen here: it will take us about 3-4 weeks for us to build them. They will be in the app stores under your business name and have your logo on them.
Q: Do you have someone I can call with questions?
A: Our knowledge database: Deliverlogic Knowledgebase is the first place to look for answers to questions, we have thousands of how to articles and previously asked questions answered by our team.
Q: Can I have my own email address?
A: Yep. You can even have You can have as many email addresses as you want. We recommend you use Google Apps for you email hosting, we do not provide any email hosting
Q: Do you travel to my business when we launch?
A: Not usually. Our software has been designed with the non-technical person in mind, so startup and operation is simple. We believe face-to-face client interaction is special, though, so we make every effort to see our clients on an annual basis — usually at the RDS convention in Las Vegas every spring. And drinks are on us — it's Vegas baby!
Q: How do you improve your software?
A: Using your input. As a client, we are in constant communication so we can understand your needs, ideas, and suggestions. We continually release upgrades as we incorporate the best ideas. All clients run the same software so everyone gets the benefit of collaboration.
Q: Who do you use for credit card processing?
A: We have established a unique, technology partnership with BluePay (, an exclusive credit card processing provider, to give you the best possible payment technology to grow your orders. By working with BluePay, we have the technology infrastructure needed to pursue new, innovative payment methods like Group Ordering, Split Checks, and Swipe at the Door.
Q: I already have a website, do I have to close it and use your's?
A: No. If you're happy with your site now, we can simply embed our system within your website. It'll look like you just added online ordering …
Q: How customizable is the site?
A: About 90% — we give you the framework and you can customize the rest if you want. Certain things, like where the shopping cart is located on the page, can't be changed, but nearly all of the "look and feel" aspects can.
Q: How long have you been in business?
A: Twelve years. We work with some of the largest brands in restaurant delivery service, on demand delivery, and online ordering industry as well as emerging, innovative startups using our software there is about 300+ delivery services who use our software for their business.
Q: How much is hosting?
A: Free. Hosting, support, and upgrades are all included in your license.
Q: Do you host the website?
A: Yes
Q: I charge more for delivery (or pickup) if a customer is far away, can your system handle that?
A: Absolutely. Many food delivery services use zipcodes to define their delivery area. We support them but we take it a step further by allowing restaurant delivery services and restaurants define their delivery area by drawing directly on a map where exactly they want to deliver.
Q: I'm only open on certain days and times, can your website support that?
A: Absolutely you can close your whole business certain days or hours and that will make it so no orders with come through. You can also vary all of the restaurants/vendor hours independently from one another, all with varying hours and days.
Q: Can I work from anywhere?
A: Yes. You can manage your drivers and every aspect of your website from a beach if you want, although we advise caution when working on the beach. Our sites are completely responsive. You can choose to work from your phone, tablet, or PC.
Q: So I can have my own website?
A: Yes. Our software is really a website. Your website. All we need is a logo, and you can be online and accepting new orders within the same day.
Q: What phones work with your software?
A: All. You can use pretty much any web enabled phone and carrier with our software to receive and text copies of orders to.
Q: Is your contract like a cell phone company? Does it lock me in?
A: No. We hate contracts. You are free to leave and take your data with you the day you want to switch at zero cost. We want you to stay with us because you like our software and service — not because you're contracted to it.
Q: What if I go out of business, am I contracted to pay a certain amount?
A: No. We are a pay-for-performance company. You only pay your startup fee and for the orders you process. No orders = no future payments. Our success is tied to your success.