How to enable Gap Fee charge

How to enable Gap Fee charge

This simple toggle can allow your customers to pay a small $ amount needed to reach the order minimum amount and fulfill the order without adding more actual items to their order.

If your minimum $ amount for a delivery order 7 miles away is $30 and a customer puts $29 worth of food sub-total in their cart, they will receive a pop-up that asks them if they want to pay $1 to “close the gap” so their order is eligible for delivery.

Of course your customers can add a dessert or a soda to close that gap but sometimes people just like to get their food and that’s it, this option allows them to do just that, no hassle just one click and they can get their delivery started.

Follow the guide below for a step by step explanation on how to activate this feature.


  • Gap Fee

  • What is a gap fee

  • How to enable Gap Fee

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