Stripe Authorization Overage


It looks like 25% is being added to my customers credit card.  Why is there this overage on the authorization?


With stripe, we have what is called the authoirzation buffer which auth's the card for an overage on the order total and then clears as a charge for the true final amount of the order.

This is so that when you need to add more items to an order, that you don't need to put through a new transaction. In the case that a customer orders $15 of food, then needs to add $1 item to that... in the case of HAVING the overage, then we can increase the $15 to $16 easily since we authorized $15*1.25. In the case of NOT having the overage setup... then the customer will have a $15 charge and a $16 charge, then the $15 will fall off within 24-48 hours.