3rd Party Drivers, Finances and Related Auto Dispatch Settings

Utilizing our 3rd Party Partnerships will allow you to handle more orders with less drivers when you’re in a pinch.
You can manually get quotes and send a 3rd Party Driver yourself or let AutoDispatch send orders once you hit an above average Delivery Time Threshold.
Read on to learn how to process a quote and which new information you can see on your Dispatch screen.

You will now see a new icon on your dispatch screen under the “Driver Short” column which will now display a car icon.

Grey car icon = If the Pickup Time is blank/null/empty
3rd Party Driver cannot be used for this specific order ( Cash, Pay On Pickup, etc…)

Black car icon = Estimated 3rd Party Driver Pickup Time is ON or BEFORE Pickup time

Red car icon = Estimated 3rd Party Driver Pickup Time is ON or AFTER Pickup time

QUICK INFO on Active Orders

Schedule vs ASAP Quote Mode Logic - When pressing the button to pull a quote:

-If the pickup time is empty: ASAP Mode
-If the [estimated 3pd asap pickup time] is on or after [Pickup time] - ASAP Mode
-If the [estimated 3pd asap pickup time] is on or before [Pickup time] - Future Mode

As seen below you can schedule a driver and also see a direct PRICE QUOTE of that 3PD order.
You will be paying the amount as seen on the quote + any driver tip you might want to give to the 3PD driver.

IMPORTANT: The actual Delivery Fee + Driver Tip from the order is collected by YOU as the RDS! The payments to the driver are processed separately from the amount you collect, you can see the FINANCIAL breakdown of this at the bottom of the article.


  • You can ONLY see the name of the driver when the order is being processed.

  • There is no way to block specific drivers from delivering 3rd party orders.

  • 3rd Party Driver can NOT be contacted AT ALL at this time.

This area will show you all the communications that are sent to the 3rd party driver as well as the to the customer.

Customer Confirmation Message - Sent when assigning a courier to a delivery.
Order Enroute Message - Sent when the driver leaves the pickup location.
Pickup Notes Message - Pickup instructions to display in driver's app.
Dropoff Notes Message - Dropoff instructions to display in driver's app.

We strongly suggest leaving the format as it is BUT if for some reason you would like to change communications messages you will have to put a ticket in on our Support Desk.


Finally in this area you can adjust how your Auto Dispatch will function in regards to 3rd Party Drivers and a Threshold when the AD will kick in IF you have the “Use Third Party Drivers as Backup Drivers” selected.

Third Party Driver Usage:

  • Don't Use Third Party Drivers

  • Use Third Party Drivers As Primary Drivers

  • Use Third Party Drivers As Backup Drivers 

Third Party ADT Threshold

  • ONLY WORKS WITH (Use Third Party Drivers As Backup Drivers ) Setting

REPORTING for 3rd Party Driver Costs

If you would like to find out exactly how much these couriers are costing you on a daily/weekly/monthly basis you can easily do so by navigating to
from here you will select profiles that are under COURIER DRIVER ACCOUNT selection

If you see multiple Courier Driver Accounts you will have to select all of them to get an accurate report for your 3rd Party Driver orders.

Please see the example below for figures you should look at in order to udnerstand how much the 3rd Party Drivers are costing you per order basis.

Additionally you can look at REPORTS > DRIVER > PAYOUT for a shorter summary of orders under
PEN BULL name.

This report is useful to see how many orders you processing through 3rd Party drivers per day of the week.

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  • 3rd Party Driver Settings

  • How to enable Auto Dispatch for Courier Delivery

  • Courier Delivery Drivers

  • Auto Dispatch 3rd Party Driver Settings

  • Car Icon

  • Report for 3rd Party Driver costs

  • 3rd Party Driver reporting

  • Finances for 3rd Party Drivers

  • Doordash third party drivers

  • Ubereats third party drivers