If your Square POS system is Integrated through Chowly please follow the information below.


Upserve Sync

The below guide is an overview of Upserve Menu Sync integration as it works through Chowly along with menu management tips on how to have the most seamless integration possible. From menu setup, what we sync, hours, and limitations.


Chowly can sync any of your restaurant's menus to your 3rd party platforms. Most commonly, we will use the same menu used by Upserve Online Ordering (If you want to offer items on Upserve OLO that are NOT to be sold on 3rd party platforms, or would like to keep a longer schedule on Upserve OLO vs. your 3rd party menus, a new menu should be created for Chowly to use. You can change which menu Chowly is connected to in Settings -> Online Ordering, pictured below)

This menu will be pushed to applicable third party platforms as is. Any changes made to the menu or categories will be reflected nightly as we sync your online ordering menu from the hours of 12AM-3AM CST.

Example of a menu with Display Groups below. Groups can be added or removed from the menu to showcase online.

Photos and descriptions are added manually under each item setting within Upserve shown here:

The name of your custom menu will be the days of the week that the menu is available. For example, a menu available "Monday - Friday" will be titled Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri. If you have not yet completed an online ordering menu, there is documentation directly from Upserve: https://help.upserve.com/s/article/Upserve-online-ordering-overview


Chowly is able to sync the images attached to each item. You are able to edit or add photos in the item within your Upserve backend, under "Additional Options". Please read this article to better understand photo requirements.


Ensure hours for your menu are up as these will be your active hours across your applicable platforms. Without these hours, we are unable to import new menu data or show your menu is online with providers.

You can view these hours on the menu level but also in the timing for each display group in this example here:

*Please do not set your closing hours past midnight. This will cause issues with syncing your menu to the 3rd parties. 

Do you have varying delivery hours? 

If your in-house hours are different than online, you will need to create separate menu groups to be assigned to the online ordering menu. Copies can be created within Upserve to complete this efficiently.

86ing in real time is now supported through Upserve Sync. This means 5 minutes after an item or modifier is marked as unavailable/suspended, the 3rd party customer facing menu will also reflect the update. 


  1. Upserve Sync does not allow our integration to specify tender types. All orders will come through as 'Chowly Integrated'

2. Upserve POS system does not have an auto-print feature. Our integration will automatically confirm the delivery order, but the restaurant will need to manually confirm the integrated order on the POS terminal for it to print out in the kitchen.


  • Chowly Upserve POS Integration

  • Chowly POS Integration for Upserve