Credit Card Reconciliation Issue / Batching Issue / Capture Issue

Credit Card Reconciliation Issue / Batching Issue / Capture Issue

Order #####: There are no actionable (non-removed) payments on this order. Please edit the order and assign a payment method to it.
Update Order #####: Cannot UPDATE a settled transaction. (new transaction to be attempted next)

Can you please help me settle this order?

Step-by-step guide

In this situation, I did the following to solve:

1) Went to Dispatch Screen
2) Typed in the Order Number in the Top Right
3) Hit Enter
4) Edit the Order
5) Remove Payment
6) Add the Card Again
7) Save Order
8a) You may notice that the card doesn't have enough funds on it for the transaction to go through or potentially an expired card. I recommend calling the customer to ask for an updated card at that point or trying the capture again the next day.

This issue should now be resolved.

Follow the instructions below for the next error line. 

Whoa!  Cannot UPDATE a settled transaction. (new transaction to be attempted next) OR Whoa! Invalid TX Type: UPDATE new transaction to be attempted next)

Whenever a message like that shows up, you'll want to

1) Go back out to the main admin dashboard
2) Go Back into the credit report area
3) Run the credit batch report for the same date range again
4) See if any of the orders remain unbatched

If the orders are now beneath the "Batched Orders" line then the transactions have processed and monies will flow. However, if they remain above the "Batched Orders line, and appear unbatched, try once more and report back with the error text.

We recommend batching on a regular nightly basis at the end of a day's business hours or after all orders for the day have been delivered.