Tier Based Delivery Fees (SUGGESTED METHOD)

IMPORTANT: This is our most advanced and highly suggested method on how to handle your Delivery Fees.
Other options function fine BUT you will not be able to customize your setup as much as this.

The TIERED STRUCTURE is the best because you have the most control over what the fees are, how they’re separated depending on mileage and much more.

Before we adjust the Tiered fees on a per restaurant basis it is always useful to set up a DEFAULT for ALL of your NEW restaurants.
You can do this by navigating to LOCATIONS tab in your admin backend after which you can select the location and go to the DELIVERY FEES tab.

Instead of manually inputting the values for ALL the fields you can load one of our TEMPLATES
Either the “Driver Avg $15 per hour” or “Driver Avg $11 per hour” as seen in the picture above.

Now we will go over what each individual field means and how it functions:

  1. Tier 1-10 are used to trigger after a certain amount of miles is reached from the customer to the restaurant in order to determine what Fees/Times/Commission are going to be used

  2. Over field is used to trigger these tiers, meaning if the Tier 1 = 0 mi it will start as the first tier and then Tier 2 triggers/starts for anything that’s OVER 1 mile until it hits 2 miles where Tier 3 is starting and so on.

  3. Pickup Fee this fee will automatically be applied to ALL deliveries before any “+ Per Mile Fee” is added on

  4. + Per Mile Fee this field will charge an $X amount per each mile traveled by the driver from the restaurant to the customer

  5. Min. Order refers to the SUB-TOTAL of the food ordered, meaning that for Tier 4 in this example an order that’s over 3 miles away HAS TO have a sub-total of $15 OR MORE in order to be qualified for delivery.

  6. Del. Time approximate delivery times for each tier, the AutoDispatch system will still calculate and try to get a better estimate but this number is in place as a baseline that will be shown to your customers.

  7. Driver Comm. refers to Driver Commission in each tier, it can be anywhere from 0 to 100% (You can override these values for each individual driver in the DRIVERS tab in your admin backend)

  8. MAXIMUM DISTANCE This one is VERY important because it OVERRIDES the mileage set in the tiers list. So if your Maximum Distance is set to 13 miles for example in this picture below the system will only trigger UP TO Tier 8 because that tier is set for 10 to 15 miles due to Tier 9 starting at 15 miles.

Now once you have all the values set you can do 2 things:

  1. UPDATE ALL RESTAURANTS (This will change ALL EXISTING restaurants in the system)

  2. SET AS DEFAULT FOR RESTAURANTS (This WILL NOT change the existing restaurants but it WILL set these values for any NEW restaurant profile you create.

After you have all of these values adjusted to your liking you can now go to RESTAURANTS and change the MANAGE FEES tab in order to override the locational settings values.

You HAVE TO add a zone to every restaurant so in case the system doesn’t recognize the customer’s address it can always default back into the Zone setup we did in the article above.

For a visual representation please see the video below:

Widget Connector


  • Suggested Delivery Fees

  • How to setup delivery fees

  • Tiered Delivery fees

  • Tier Based Fees