CHOWLY Square POS Integration Overview

If your Square POS system is Integrated through Chowly please follow the information below.


Square Sync

The below guide is an overview of Square Menu Sync integration as it works through Chowly along with menu management tips on how to have the most seamless integration possible. From menu setup, what we sync, limitations, to additional features and ongoing support. 


Chowly cannot pull any menus set up in Square. Chowly can select and sync multiple categories instead to be merged, creating a total menu.

Your category name(s) will appear online — we recommend “[Restaurant Name] Online” on each third-party.

You can add items and categories to your Square dashboard by following these steps.

Chowly controls the order in which categories appear on the third party menus. This can be changed at any time. 

The order the items within a category appear on the third party menus will reflect the order in which they were added to the category. The oldest item will appear first in the category, and the newest item will appear last. 

It is important to understand that you control your menu including photos, descriptions, items, and modifiers. Any changes you make to your synced menus will affect third-parties.

We currently sync your menus (when a change has been made) at the top of every hour. Any changes published in Square within that hour time frame will automatically sync to applicable third-parties.

*Special Note*
There are a couple things to note when making adjustments in your POS:

  1. There cannot be ANY special characters (i.e.: <>&%{ {)in the names of items, modifiers, or categories. Please make sure you only use letters or numbers.

  2. If you change the name of the categories we are synced with, please let our Support Team know ASAP. If we do not adjust the name on our end as well, orders will fail to integrate. 


The Square POS Sync integration imports and displays your hours from Square. Our system pulls hours from one place. 

To set hours, go to the Square Dashboard > Account & Settings > Business > Locations

We can only pull one set of hours. Important Note: We cannot support different menus for different times of day. For example, we cannot simultaneously support a lunch menu from 12-2 pm and a dinner menu from 5-7pm. 

86ing/Out of Stock

The Square Sync integration is able to support item level 86ing. After an item has been marked out of stock, our system will read that change and send the update to the 3rd party platforms. 

Please note: Marking modifiers as out of stock does not automatically sync to the 3rd parties and still requires you to call our Support team so they can manually mark the modifier as 86'd within our internal tool. 

If you are unsure how to mark an item as out of stock in your Square POS or Square for Restaurants system, please read this helpful article


Photos assigned to items will sync with all your third party platforms. Please be aware that each platform has photo requirements. Take a look at this article for more information. 


Chowly can read and apply “Item Variations.” The only unit we can read is “Per Item.” Other variations such as “Per Hour,” will not be read and applied to the third party.


Modifier Minimums and Maximums

Our integration needs modifier minimum and maximum values set up in a specific manner. To do so, please follow these steps: 

  1. Log into www.squareup.com/dashboard

  2. Navigate to Item or Item Library

  3. On the left side, click on Modifiers

  4. Locate the modifier group being used for that item, hover over it to highlight, then click. This will pop up “ Edit Modifier Set “ 

  5. Make sure that the box pictured below is unchecked.

  6. Once that is done hit save in the bottom right

  7. Click on Item Library on the left side to go back to the item list.

  8. Open the item and click edit underneath the 3 dots on the right side

  9. Scroll down until you see the Modifier Sets and click customize

  10. Make sure the minimum and maximum modifier values are accurate and then hit done. 

*Special Note*
There are a couple things to note when making adjustments in your POS:

  1. There cannot be ANY special characters in the names of items, modifiers, or categories. Please make sure you only use letters or numbers. 

  2. If you change the name of the categories we are synced with, please let our support team know ASAP. If we do not adjust the name on our end as well, orders will fail to integrate. 


If you are having issues with your integration, please review the outlines above. If you are still unable to resolve your concerns, please reach out directly to our support team. 

For urgent issues call 888-628-0823 Ext. 2 and for all non-urgent issues please submit a case 


  • Chowly Square POS Integration

  • Chowly POS Intergartion for Square