How to add Communication Notes on Live Orders

Something that gets overlooked with the crazy dynamic of Restaurant Delivery Services is the fact that there are so many moving parts that need to work together in order to execute an order efficiently and with the least amount of friction.

Multiple team members will "take care" of the order before it's fully executed and sometimes it can be hard for team members to stay on the same page when it comes to customer communication.

This is why we provide you with tools that are essential in keeping your team and your customers happy, your team members that leave notes can also see the notes other team members applied to any live orders that's currently on your dispatcher board.

They easily can do this by navigating to any order, opening the "Quick Info" tab by right-clicking the order and injecting any notes under the "Customer Communication" tab.

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  • Communication notes on Dispatch Screen

  • Communication notes for customer on live orders

  • How to add notes for customer comms on live orders