E-Store Complete Guide

In this article we will go over all the steps you need to follow in order to successfully create your E-Store which you can use for grocery stores or on-driver inventory for your customers to be able to order items they might need like sodas, add-ons and other.

In order to have an E-Store show up on your Customer Facing Website you will have to have a “Restaurant” profile that’s going to be marked as an E-Store in the “Info” tab of a Restaurant Profile as seen in the picture below.

Now once you have converted this Restaurant profile to an E-Store you are going to adjust the following fields so your customers are able to see this menu, as well as easily navigate it:

  1. Name

  2. Assign a Menu (please follow this article in order to successfully create your menu items and headings https://deliverlogic.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BSD/pages/2458386450 )

  3. About the Restaurant (In this case your E-store)
    This can be anything simple like
    “If you would like to add sodas or chips please feel free to do so from our inventory below”

  4. Message for the Customer
    (Shows on the menu)

  5. Dispatcher Notes
    (Shows on dispatch quick info)

  6. Driver Pickup Instructions
    (Shows on driver app)

  7. Logos (Uploading a menu/e-store logo can also help you generate more sales)



  • E-store

  • How to create an E-Store for customers

  • How to sell add-on products

  • Selling add-on products for delivery orders