Onboarding and Conversion Guide

Onboarding and Conversion Guide

We are very excited to have you converting over to the DeliverLogic software.  Our support team will be here to guide you through the process.  Here are some bullet points to go over important chronological steps for this process:

  • Sign Up  Make sure you sign up for an account here this will get you a user name and log in to your set up site that will be converted to your live site once everything is ready

  • Using Support  Please watch this introduction video to familiarize yourself with the DeliverLogic Support system, including sending out support team a ticket.

  • Creating Tickets  Create a support ticket using "general support ticket" and have the subject be "data transfer for conversion" include your current software info and wait for instructions

  • Design  Contact your sales rep (they sent you a welcome email) to discuss design options for your new site.

  • Data Upload  We will start to upload your data while you are working on your design (this is all done on the site we set up simultaneously)

    • Items we cannot transfer

      • Credit card info

      • Order history

      • Passwords (sometimes we can but not always)

  • Data Check  Once we inform you that your Data has been uploaded you will need to go through and check.  Do this by checking 3 random cases of these items.  If you find an issue message support and inform us providing specific information (I checked three users and all were missing phone numbers.....)

    • Customer info - name, addresses, email, phone, rewards, user tags, credits, and any other important info

    • User info - Make sure all your employees and or independent contractors info has been brought over correctly (roles, log in, etc..)

    • Locations, restaurant, menus, zones - check all hours on locations and restaurants, menus, menu items, options, sub options, zones, delivery fees, delivery times, delivery minimums, etc...

    • Corporate accounts - make sure your corporate accounts came over

    • Hotels - if you have hotel listings check the info on those

    • Portal accounts - if you are using portals make sure all financial info is correct

  • Training  Please click this link and set up training sessions for you and your team.  We suggest a minimum of 3 sessions to prepare.

  • Test Orders  When all data is good and you have an understanding of the software please run through a number of test orders use real customers and restaurants (we can shut off all comms to ensure nobody gets info you are testing)

  • Schedule Launch Date  When you are doing test orders we can schedule your launch date.  Launches take place on Monday nights/Tuesday mornings giving our team and yours Monday to go over any last minute items.

  • Approve SSL  Be on the lookout for your SSL, we will order it and the approval email will be sent to the email address that is attached to your domain through your domain host (godaddy, hostgator, etc..).  We have no control where this email is sent.

  • Provide Host Log In - On Monday night we will need to access your domain host to update your DNS and point your name servers to our server after you close.

  • GO LIVE - Start taking orders on your new and improved system.


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